Pittsfield Human Rights Commission - Jan. 25, 2018

Show Details



1. Call to Order 00:00:07

2. Roll Call of HRC Members 00:00:26

-welcome new HRC commissioner Jessica Christensen -welcome HRC clerk Debra Goddeau

3. Approval of Minutes 00:02:23

Previous meetings February, March, April, May, October, November 2017

4. Public Comment 00:06:09

5. Communications to Commission 00:06:19

6. Complaint Hearings 00:06:31

7. Motions and Resolutions 00:06:35

Resolution to support Pittsfield School Committee's intention to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day on school calendar

8. Reports of Committees 00:08:09

9. Unfinished Business 00:08:11

Revised Rules of Procedures; Report to City Council on HRC actions in 2017

10. New Business 00:11:47

Elect Chair and Vice-Chair for 2018; determining meeting schedule for 2018 - suggest first Thursdays in March, May, July, September, November; authorize Chair to schedule presentations

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