Pittsfield Finance Committee - April 23, 2018

Show Details



Roll Call 00:00:08

Approval of Minutes 00:00:19

New Business 1 00:00:43

A communication from Mayor Tyer submitting 3 Orders authorizing the City of Pittsfield to: Order 1 - to lease property located on Barker Road to Oak Leaf Energy Partners for use of a Solar Energy Facility Order 2 - to approve a Tax Agreement for personal property with Oak Leaf Energy Partners; Order 3 - to contract with Oak Leaf Energy Partners for the purchase of solar power.

New Business 2 00:29:18

A communication from Mayor Tyer on an Order amending the borrowing authorizations for reconstruction of the main runway (8/26) and (14/32) at the Pittsfield Airport

New Business 3 00:48:05

A communication from Mayor Tyer pursuant to MGL, Chapter 44, Section 20, an Order supplementing the fiscal year 2017 and 2018 capital order to allow for the use of bond premiums consistent with the Municipal Modernization Act

New Business 4 00:54:45

A petition from Craig Gaetani to give a detailed update on money spent for the Water Plant upgrades

New Business 5 02:07:08

A petition from Craig Gaetani to give a detailed accounting update on the Sewer Project

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