Pittsfield Community Development Board - January 7, 2020

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Roll Call 00:00:27

Minutes - December 17, 2019 00:00:44

Determination 1 00:01:08

that Subdivision approval is not required Plan of land prepared by Mary Ann Corcoran of Hill Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc. for P.A.P. Reality Company for land off of Larch Street. The property can be further identified as assessor map L11-4-212

Determination 2 00:02:57

that Subdivision approval is not required Plan of land prepared by Mary Ann Corcoran of Holl Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc. for Berkshire Kind, Inc. for land located on Woodlawn Avenue, currently referred to as 901 East Street. The property can further be identified as J10-10-101

Zoning 1 00:04:42

Public Hearing - Zoning Text Amendment -- A petition from the City Council to amend City Code Chapter 23, Article 23-4 Section 4.202 (Table of Principal Permitted Uses); Article 23-7, Section 7.854; and Article 23-7, Section 7.736. The proposal would eliminate outdoor marijuana cultivation in residentially zoned areas, as well as a separate land use category that allows outdoor marijuana cultivation less than 20,000 square feet through site plan review, regulating all outdoor cultivation through the special permit required under Section 7.854

Administration - New Business 01:02:00

Administration - Reports from staff or board 01:02:57

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