Pittsfield Public Health & Safety Committee - August 25, 2020

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Approval of Minutes of February 10, 2020 00:03:36

1. New Business 00:04:25

Petition from Councilor Maffuccio requesting to explore the cost and benefits of having an ambulance service within our Fire Department

2. New Business 00:05:54

Petition from Councilor Moon requesting a presentation on opioid use disorder in the City of Pittsfield

3. New Business 00:07:25

Petition from Councilor Moon requesting an overview on the City's emergency response plan for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

4. New Business 00:09:16

Petition from Councilors Connell, Morandi, Kavey and Chair of the Homeless Committee requesting that Mayor Tyer present an overview of the City's involvement with the use of Saint Joseph's School homeless facility

5. New Business 02:52:02

Petition from Councilors Connell, Morandi, Kavey and Chair of the Homeless Committee Ed Carmel requesting the Finance Director provide a full accounting of all funds and labor cost expended at the homeless shelter.

6. New Business 02:56:00

Petition from Councilors Connell, Morandi, Kavey and Chair of the Homeless Committee Ed Carmel requesting the Mayor authorize using $75,000 from free cash to assist the homeless in acquiring temporary and or permanent house

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